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1.1 Planning for Teaching

Teacher has prepared the lessons plan a day before. Ussualy the teacher came earlier before the students in order to teacher could prepared the materials for that day.

1.2 Preparing Lesson and Materials

Lessons plan has preapred, and the material also ready too. the projector, workbook, worksheet, pencil, color pencil, rubber to erase.

1.3 Teaching in Class

Teacher always open the class with absent, asked about feeling, about the day, and so many simple question. after that teacher would asked them to made a sily strecthed, clpas, or said something funny. after that they would see the video and Peppa Pig is the favourite video for Thai children and K2 also like it. so they saw Peppa Pig videon every day during a month, during I stayed at Anuban Lopburi school...wooww

1.4  Measurement and Evaluation

For measurement and evaluation, the teacher didn't have main pattern. teacher used observation and workbook to evaluation

1.5  Others

some students seems bored and they loved to lay down on the floor and didn't listen to teacher.  it could be understand because they have to stay all day long inside the classroom. But teacher always tried to make them up again with the song or claps.

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